Chrome Alternating ApertureSCAA Mask
The SCAA test
mask allows you to evaluate subwavelength imaging, perform resist profiling
and evaluate phase-shift technology with minimal pitch-dependent phase
error. At 248, it offers 100 nm imaging down to 200 nm pitch. A 193 mask
is being built (spring 2002), and custom masks can be designed to meet
unique specifications. The SCAA test mask provides resolution to a k1
of 0.25.
Mask Concept
by Marc Levenson in 1992, Sidewall Chrome Alternating Aperture (SCAA)
Mask uses a pre-patterned phase-shift reticle that is recoated with chrome
and resist, then written a second time to produce a mask that offers superior
imaging performance and resistance to phase and amplitude errors due to
fabrication and electromagnetic effects. The
SEM image below shows an example SCAA mask (photo courtesy Marc D. Levenson).

After extensive
analysis and testing of SCAA Mask in simulation, PAL has adapted the technology
into an effective tool for evaluating subwavelength imaging.
Mask Fabrication
shown right, a SCAA mask is manufactured by taking a chromeless mask with
an appropriate phase pattern, re-coating it with chrome and resist, and
writing the desired exposure pattern in the chrome layer. The result is
a phase-shift mask structure where all quartz walls are covered by opaque
chrome and all chrome is supported by quartz.
With all glass sidewalls covered and all chrome supported, the SCAA mask
is largely immune to the phase and amplitude anomalies that cause space-width
alternations as well as the design, fabrication, and cleaning difficulties
that plague other PSM structures.
Over Other Types of Phase-Shift Masks
Compared to other types of phase-shift structures, SCAA mask offers improved
imaging performance because the immediate environments of the transparent
apertures are the same for 0° and 180° spaces. The amplitudes
of the spaces are controlled only by the sizes of the apertures in the
chrome layer, not by surfaces or trenches above. This symmetry between
0° and 180° spaces on a SCAA mask eliminates the need to alter
the mask design to compensate for non-ideal amplitudes and phases. No
need to correct for different transmission factors by biasing 0° and
180° spaces differently, or to accommodate non-geometrical phase shifts
that depend on trench width, sidewall angle and wall quality. As an example,
the image below shows how SCAA E-fields are not sensitive to sidewall
angle whereas an asymmetric bias altPSMs are sensitive.

vs. asymmetric bias comparison
The table
below summarizes the comparison of important litho process and manufacturing
criteria for SCAA and asymmetric biased masks.

Again, other
designs shown below require detailed mask engineering and OPC even after
biasing the space widths.

Test Mask Modules
The SCAA mask
provides the following test modules:
Cross-sectional SEM lines down to 140nm pitch for 193nm lithography
and 160nm for 248nm.
- Dark-field
gate structures with bright-field trim for dual exposure processing.
This module can be used to explore aperture size, gate biasing, gate
pitch, and trim mask bias.
- Scatterometry
targets: Minimized pitch dependent phase-error means minimal line walking
through focus.
- Phase
analysis of box-in-box structures for easy metrology. This module can
be used to monitor mask phase effects or lens aberrations.
These modules
are useful for:
- Resist
- Building
scatterometry structures
- Phase retrieval
- 70nm technology
node and below
To read about
SCAA Mask performance in simulation studies, read our 2001
SPIE paper or examine the data we collected.
Mask is available through a collaborative project with
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